“Oh so colorful… mmmm smells really good too. Chomp, chomp, chomp. Ugh, oh, oh, no, no, no. I’m not feeling so well.” — curious pet
Now that it’s summer time, we want to be sure you know about the many garden plants that can also be toxic to your pets. Unfortunately, pets are curious critters and there are a number of potential stomachache sources hiding in your backyard. Here are the Top 6 Toxic Plants for Pets.
If you have an abundance of plants (greenery) around your home, we urge you to take a quick look over these lists to see if you have anything to be wary of. If you have any of these plants, you may consider planting alternatives instead or, at the very least, fencing the area off from your pets.
- PetMD
- PetPoisonHelpline.com
- And the ASPCA has extensive lists for dogs, cats and even horses
Different plants can produce different symptoms of having been ingested. Most often you will see symptoms of stomach upset such as vomiting and diarrhea but seizures and tremors are also not uncommon. In general, you know your pet, if you suspect your pet has been munching something that you didn’t feed it, be sure to contact your vet right away. If they are unavailable, here are a few other resources you could try:
- ASPCA National Animal Poison Control Center ($65 fee) 1-888-426-4435
- Animal Poison Hotline ($35 fee) 1-888-232-8870
- Pet Poison Helpline ($39 fee) 1-800-213-6680
- Kansas State University Veterinary Teaching Hospital (This is free aside from any long distance charges, but be patient with these student vets as they will likely have to consult with a vet on duty.) 1-785-532-5679
We hope you never need to use this information but it’s good to have handy just in case.